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Kaizen before Tokyo Olympic
Kaizen,KZ Method,

It is less than three years till the Tokyo Olympic games. Various preparations will be carried out for it in Tokyo, Japan. In other words, the Japanese economy may be kept in good level because big money is spent for the preparation and money turns around in Japan.
However, the population of Japan keeps decreasing then and the shrink of the Japanese market and the decrease of the working population will suddenly come out after the Olympic and the Paralympic games are over.
Therefore, for these three years when economy is maintained, it is necessary to carry out Kaizen and to change all including producing processes, designing, controlling stock level, selling products and so on dramatically. We must prepare before that a big change will happen in four years same as preparing an umbrella if it will rain tomorrow.
However, there are many companies which are already busy and complain to have no time to do Kaizen. But there is no meaning to explain why you cannot implement Kaizen to me a consultant. Because four years will surely pass.
Let’s stop saying the reason why you cannot do, instead think how to do.
Actual examples will be shown in the next topic.
