改善コンサルタント 柿内幸夫 Website 改善コンサルタント 柿内幸夫 Website

The strong intrinsic which Japanese manufacturing industry has 8
japanese manufacturing industry,Kaizen,lead-time,mass customization,strong intrinsic,Technology,

Producing and selling go together. We have to think both together.
The first surprise was that they recognize that the speed of the market change was extremely fast and that they were working accordingly. This was a surprise for me, but it was also what I could imagine.
The second surprise was that the people whose responsibility were “Create”⇒  ‟Produce”⇒‟Sell” got together in one place and made immediate decision. The gathering member was not the people in one department or not a big conference which one person spoke, and the rest people just listened. all the related people stood up and each of them had a white board marker in front of the whiteboard and created the active solution.
Question: Have you ever held a meeting that in front of the whiteboard everyone has a marker and discuss writing on the board?
