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Change in the world and the problems with Japanese manufacturing industry. 7
japanese manufacturing industry,Kaizen,

Last time, I wrote about what is coming in America. What is happening in Japan?
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Mr. Kentaro Ohyama, the president of Iris Ohyama Inc. named the coming era as “User in”. The era of “Market in” is going away and we have to face the customer more directly. To have the ability to respond the customers’ requests which are very different each other is becoming more important.
And recently, information technology such as AI(Artificial Intelligence) has advanced very rapidly. In addition to AI a variety of new information technologies such as IoT and Big Data processing, or new manufacturing technologies like 3D printers are born, it is also important to have the technical ability to respond them immediately if necessary.
In the era of mass customization and user in, we must have the wisdom and technology to use and develop the essence of these innovative information and manufacturing technology.
But it is said that Japan has been very behind America and Europe in the field of the total information technology like Industry 4,0.
Question  Do you also think that Japan is behind?
Change in the world and the problems with Japanese manufacturing industry. 6
