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Change in the world and the problems with Japanese manufacturing industry. 4
Big change,Kaizen,KZ Method,

This time, I will start talking about changes in the market and manufacturing.
This means that Japan’s manufacturing industry can not survive just by doing 5S, removing wastes, or shortening production lead time, which have shown a lot of good effect so far. In order to acquire the strength again, we have to understand that we are entering new era in which new improvement and further change are required while keeping the on-site improvement ability which we have made so far.
Then, what kind of change is coming in the future? Consumers already have most of the things and they do not show interests except what they really want, and even if they are interested they will not buy it if the price is high.
It has been said that if you make a good product you can sell it, but the good product then was the product with high functional quality. So Japanese manufacturing companies have been improving quality and cost competitiveness. In other words, competition has been in the field of production engineering and Genba Kaizen ability for high quality and low cost.
Question : I wrote that consumers have been changed. What do you think?
