[68] The new management approach based on Kaizen by all Let’s wash our hands much more frequently to prevent atypical pneumonia!
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Lead time reduction cannot be achieved by the president alone. Experts alone cannot do it either. This is a theme that really requires the participation of all the employers and all the employees. In a normal company organization, each person can only do his or her job. It is not easy to discuss improvement between different departments, even if they are related to each other. However, on the other hand, people from various departments gather on Genba and discuss their relations and problems about the products, synergistic and surprisingly large effect will be delivered, and in the process you can get high motivation.
The president gather the Kaizen that have been implemented separately by each department and determine themes of overall optimization. Then the small Kaizen by each people gets together and they become big and start supporting the company’s strategy.
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Question : Have you had an experience of this type Kaizen?
Yukio Kakiuchi’s Kaizen diary 9 As a consultant I can’t get sick once the consulting schedule is fixed with the customer. So I’m thinking about how I can always be healthy.
At that time, I heard that health is made by the three factors of mind, body and food. Therefore, I am doing something good I believe in those three. Let me introduce some of them. First, I would like to write about what I do for the mind.
Since the irritability of the mind is bad for health, I practice mindfulness by breathing slowly and deeply to calm myself every night. The tool I use is an electroencephalograph called “Muse”. It works in conjunction with a smartphone to visualize the state of brain waves with sounds and graphs. I am happy when my brain waves change to loose alpha waves from the beta waves and delta waves which come out when I’m in tension.
Yukio Kakiuchi’s Kaizen diary 6 I cannot proceed my job with my own pace. Once the consulting schedule is fixed with the client, I must visit the factory on the day because many people are waiting for me. Therefore, it is necessary for me to keep the condition always good.
In this way, I have written about masks and breathing method. And I received a mail from a reader, “Consulting is a hard job …”, but it is not true. It is because I am a health geek.
Then let me keep writing in this line.
I believe that continuous exercise is good for health. So, I walk much every day. I want to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. The number of walk steps is large because my workplace is factory shop-floors. But just walking on shop-floors is not enough to walk 10000 steps. So, I do light jogging about 3,000 steps in the morning. I do not jog on a rainy day, so I do not necessarily make 10,000 steps every day but achieve 70,000 steps in a week.