[This is the second example of Kaizen that I promised last time!]
This is what happed in an elevator of the hotel during my business trip the other day.
The hotel is a big one with 23 floors, and the elevators are always crowded in the morning because there are only four small elevators.
I got on the elevator that morning from the 20th floor, but it was already crowded. So, I said, “Excuse me, let me get in”, asking all other persons.
Another person got on in the next floor and the elevator was fully occupied. Therefore, nobody could get in the elevator even though it stopped at every floor and the door repeated opening and closing. So, the elevator went down very slowly. All passengers were irritated and the atmosphere was bad.
And when the elevator stopped at the second floor, one person got off and the door closed. Everybody thought that the elevator would arrive finally at the first floor, but the elevator began to go up unexpectedly.
Then, somebody said loudly, “Nobody pushed the button of the first floor!” But the way he spoke was very funny, and several people and myself laughed. The others also became smiling even though they did not laugh loudly.
The elevator with all the members returned to the 23rd floor and then started getting down again and finally arrived at the first floor safely.
It was a situation that all the members might get more irritated, but the atmosphere became peaceful clearly once after all laughed. When getting off the elevator, all the members said “Thank you” and “See you” with peaceful face.
I finally return to the title this time, I want to emphasize that smiling is very important. I sometimes see a presentation of formal rigid atmosphere, but let’s hold pleasant and relaxed Kaizen presentation.
[68] The new management approach based on Kaizen by all Let’s wash our hands much more frequently to prevent atypical pneumonia!
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Lead time reduction cannot be achieved by the president alone. Experts alone cannot do it either. This is a theme that really requires the participation of all the employers and all the employees. In a normal company organization, each person can only do his or her job. It is not easy to discuss improvement between different departments, even if they are related to each other. However, on the other hand, people from various departments gather on Genba and discuss their relations and problems about the products, synergistic and surprisingly large effect will be delivered, and in the process you can get high motivation.
The president gather the Kaizen that have been implemented separately by each department and determine themes of overall optimization. Then the small Kaizen by each people gets together and they become big and start supporting the company’s strategy.
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Question : Have you had an experience of this type Kaizen?
The new management approach based on Kaizen by all 15 I would like to express my sincere condolences to those affected by heavy rain.
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Top management must know the real site all ways. It is important not only to look around the site, but also to communicate with the people who work at the site. For example, Mr. Toshio Doko, the former president of Toshiba left the following words:
“The organization chart of the company is made the president at the top, followed by general managers, and section managers, but I don’t think that style good. On the job, both the president and employees are standing at the equal level. The main point of the meeting is to do it casually. You can hold a meeting while standing. Communicate with your subordinate when you see his ore her face. ”
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Question: Do you really communicate casually?
The new management approach based on Kaizen by all 14 The terrible hot summer seems to be going away little by little. I am happy about it.
If designers talk about their job, you take it as a matter of design. But if operators talk about their job, it is not only their job but also about everything of the company. There are tremendous volume of information on shop floor. It is good to do free discussion with the people from many department with the operators and you can go beyond the walls that exist between the departments.
Question: Are you talking with the operators in your company?
The new management approach based on Kaizen by all 13 It’s hot these days and time of heatstroke has come. Water supply is important!
For example, all the workers know real things by experience. However, it is important whether those people can open their minds and talk about these experiences. Therefore, the various information that come out of KZ method or Choco-Ann are valuable. And It becomes possible for the president, the departments of design, purchase, sales, technology etc. to accept the experience of them on-site.
The part-time operators may be nervous and may not speak well if called in the president’s office. However, if the president goes to their job site and asks questions about his or her work and Kaizen improvements, the conversation boils. It may be possible only in such a way that the people of wide range roles such as the president, managers in other departments, leaders, full-time and part-time workers gather in one place and talk about one thing.
Question: Are you talking with wide range of people in your company?
The new management approach based on Kaizen by all 12 It’s hot these days and time of heatstroke has come. Water supply is important!
For that purpose, it is good for everyone to have a habit of implementing Kaizen continuously. Therefore all the employees are required to implement at least one Kaizen a month. The required level of Kaizen is very low. You can copy the Kaizen of your coworkers or just repairing your tool is also Kaizen. Choko-Ann’s rule is very loose and no need to have financial result and you are always praised.
All the people join the Choko-Ann activity and the president find the fact that all the people of the company have the ability to do Kaizen and start improving the management together.****************************************
Question: Can you imagine the Kaizen that copying and repairing is OK?
The new management approach based on Kaizen by all 11 The long holidays are over and Let’s work hard again!
The Choco-Ann method is a way to bring out the improvement ability of the employees and execute the improvement idea in the company. There are many ideas in the company, but they are worthless unless they are implemented. It is required to improve the various problems found through the implementation of the KZ method. And it is necessary for everyone in the company to realize as many ideas as possible in a short time. When it comes to how to achieve that, most things come true if you can think of a way to do it rather than looking for reasons you can not do it.
Question: How is the improvement implemented in your company?